Monday 28 January 2013

Review: Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

I have the tendency to either finish a book within a few days or take a painstakingly long month to complete a book - there is no in-between. Finale did not escape either method as I sped through at least 3/4 of the book within several days and then I just got distracted and didn't get around to reading the rest of it for around about two weeks.

I've been following the Hush Hush series since the first book as Nora was pulled into the dangerous, yet thrilling, world of fallen angels and Nephilim. Undoubtedly, each novel has its share of ups and downs, ranging from slightly cheesy and perhaps unrealistic dialogue (does anyone actually talk like Vee?) to so many plot twists and turns it could give you whiplash.

After the somewhat disappointing third installment, Silence, which to me seemed rather unnecessary apart from a few pieces of interesting plot development - it's clear that the Hush Hush series would have been significantly stronger if Fitzpatrick had stuck to her original plan of creating a trilogy. Nonetheless, Finale was considerably better than its immediate predecessor. Nora has sworn an oath of fealty to lead the Nephilim army to victory against the fallen angels, to end the torment of their bodies being possessed during the month of Cheshvan. Consequently, Nora must question where her loyalties lie: with the race of Nephilim or with Patch and the fallen angels? 

Nora Grey can at times either be brilliant or infuriatingly annoying. In comparison to the previous novels in the series, I think that she developed in character and was more determined in making decisions without Patch. As much as I adore dear Patch Cipriano, he can sometimes be a little too overprotective and essentially interfere with Nora's progression in character. Readers can look forward to Nora actually going out and kicking some arse, more Scott, and plenty of the new and vital character to the story, Dante Materazzi.

There were a few problems with the plot whereby certain things just seemed unnecessary, out of character, or I quite simply wanted to have explored in more detail. (To be honest I really want to discuss these issues.)

Nevertheless I've decided to give Finale three stars.

What are your thoughts on Finale

Tuesday 22 January 2013

A New Beginning

It's taken quite a while for me to feel motivated to start a new blog. I've had various people encourage me to start a blog or continue with an old one, but when it really comes down to it, I have to do this for me and not for them. I want this to be an enjoyable experience, not a forced one, so I'm excited to start something new and fresh for the beginning of 2013 (let's hope I can keep it up eh?).

It's generally encouraged that bloggers should have some sort of set theme that will be able to attract a particular kind of audience but to be honest I have a lot of things that I want to discuss. This will probably range from television, films, and books, to even my university studies - it's really down to whatever takes my fancy at the time.

Argh there are so many decisions to make though, you would not believe how long it took me to decide on this theme (and I'm still not sure if I'm happy with it) but thanks for reading! I already have a few ideas for my next blog posts so hopefully they'll be up sometime in the near future.