Saturday 18 May 2013

Doctor Who EP 7.10: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to review all the episodes over the next day or so, considering I also have class work to do, but I'm trying my best to do what I can. Oh well. Spoilers ahead for this episode.

they are precious to me. caps from here

Episode Summary: The Doctor turns off the shield oscillators so that Clara can try to fly the TARDIS, and they are consequently pulled in by a salvage vessel using a magnograb. Clara is lost in the TARDIS and the Doctor recruits the salvagers to help find her. The TARDIS then starts to reconfigure itself and there are crispy molten rock people chasing after them all. Yeah.

This has to be my favourite episode among those that have been reviewed so far. There were flaws but overall the episode was brilliant. Both Clara and The Doctor were dashing in their outfits as tried to find each other within the labyrinth that is the TARDIS. But, as soon as, the Van Baalen brothers wandered away to start tearing apart the TARDIS console for scraps, that was when it got tricky. The architecture of the ship was constantly reinventing itself, and making them run around in endless looping hallways to protect its equipment being stolen. Fair enough.

you better have the answer doctor
I loved being able to see into the hidden rooms that have been mentioned over the past few series, such as the swimming pool, and the all important library, where Clara managed to get a glimpse of the Doctor's real name in The History of the Time War book. Conveniently, this book was on a display stand and after opening it to a random page, she only had to turn it to the next page to find his name. However, at the end of the episode the Doctor was able to re-set time so that Clara didn't remember this information. CONVENIENT. To me, this seems like a 'get out of jail free' card and was just way too easy. It would've been far more interesting if Clara had been able to keep her memories and have the Doctor deal with the fact that she knows secrets that she shouldn't.

It's always really interesting (and exciting) when there are links back to the past. Clara discovered a room full of items that had been collected over the years, including: Melody Pond's cot, Amy's handmade TARDIS, and a magnifying glass that was probably used by both Amy and Donna. There are more items listed here. Then when one of the brother's started pulling apart the console, there was a leak in time, as voices from the past were heard including previous Doctor's and companions. I know I definitely heard Amy shout, "We are in space!"

Observation of things:
  • The storyline of the three brothers was probably underdeveloped, and this could have been made more ideal with a longer episode.
  • Clara didn't exactly get to do a lot in this episode apart from run and scream and have her memories taken away from her. BUT she was the one who ultimately saved the day because she accidentally burnt her hand at the beginning of the episode which was crucial to the storyline. Oh and she also got to punch the Doctor twice (◕‿◕✿)
  • The TARDIS/Clara shenanigans continued which was most excellent
  • I'm interested to know if there's any significance to the key used at the beginning of the episode that had "SMITHS" engraved on it.
Comment below or tweet me @faultystairs

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